It’s a common understanding among the Muslims that shirk is only done by non-Muslims. But No! It is not so. Shirk is also prevalent among Muslims. Below mentioned and explained are some of the common types of it which we find among Muslims.
Tag: idol
“QABRON KI PUJA” “Grave Worship”
In many Muslim countries around the world people build Masjids on the graves of pious people, these are sometimes called “Dargah” or “Mazar” etc. And people go to those places and ask the dead person to give them a child or whatever they need. Now asking anyone but Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) for anything is Shirk. Here we want to clear up that from the Qur’an and very clear Sahih Hadith that we are NOT supposed to build structures or Masjids on the graves of pious people or anyone else.