Islam Shirk

What is 786?

Be aware of Innovation of 786

In the Name of Allah The innovation of writing “786” at the top of a document or a letter replacing the holy words of Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem has, unfortunately, been a common practice for a long time by the majority of the Ummah, specially by the Urdu speaking Muslims in the Indian subcontinent. Apart from common folk, the scholars also pay no attention to it and to avoid disrespect to the holy words they often use it with the intention of seeking the Divine blessings through this number.

They believe it a “correct” and “better” way to follow the Prophet’s command to begin a work in the name of Allah. They have even started writing this number at the top of their houses, offices and business establishments, etc.

Unfortunately, this tradition is gradually being passed on from one generation to another. But, do we see this number in place of the holy words of Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem in the holy Qur’an? Or, can we write it there as well? Can we remove these holy words from the top of Surah Fatiha and replace it with the number 786? Obviously not.

Even Any one Tom , Dick and Harry can take out the absurd or abusive meaning of it, Will you attribute such meaning to Allah and to Qur’an ? Obviously not. If we study the holy Qur’an, we see it carries the holy words in a letter from Prophet Sulaiman (Pbuh) to the Queen of Sheeba-Bilqis – who was an infidel at that time. Even Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh), in his letters to different non-Muslims kings, Knights, and heads of states and governments, used the holy words at the top.

Therefore, whosoever uses 786 with the intention of obtaining the Divine blessings is a misguided person and any attempt to justify it is based on ignorance, innovation or blind following of the practices of his ancestors.  Islam’s foundation is laid on the belief in Tauheed (Oneness of God). If we associate anyone with Allah’s exalted names orally or practically, we would be committing blasphemy which is an unpardonable sin. The holy Qur’an warns us: “One who finds a rival against Allah, Allah will never allow him to enter paradise, and his abode is hell.”

The letters by Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) to non-Muslim kings and chiefs bore the holy words Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. This was also the case of his noble companions. Did the Prophet (Pbuh) and his companions respect the holy words less than us? Was the verse, “Today I have completed your religion for you”, revealed to the Prophet (Pbuh), or to the so called scholars of our age, who seem to be bent on amending Divine principles and traditions deliberately or inadvertently?

Now, when it became clear that “786” has no significance, whatsoever, in the holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (Pbuh), it is obviously an innovation and goes against the Divine doctrine of “Obey Allah and His Prophet.” Similarly, some Muslims replace Allah’s name by the number “786” and the Prophet’s name by “92”.

But if one may ask “ If the number “420” is used against somebody’s name and he is called “Mr 420”, would he take it lying down? Calling someone by a nick name is a sin. Allah says; “Do not call one another by nick names.” If Allah prohibits the use of nick names for fellow human beings, how can He allow the use of such insulting replacement number for Himself and His noble Prophet (Pbuh)?

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem carries great significance in the holy Qur’an and the Sunnah, and the Muslims are ordered not to begin any work but in the name of Allah; not in the number of “786”, or any other substitution. Muslim :: Book 18 : Hadith 4266 ‘A’isha reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: He who innovates things in our affairs for which there is no valid (reason) (commits sin) and these are to be rejected.

What is 786 ? Value of 786 !

Almost All Over word peoples believe that ’786′ is very important for Muslims. I know few peoples know the truth.
In Movies, TV serials shows, those have 786 in anything, they get help from Allah during problems.

Car No, Mobile No, Telephone No haveing ’786′ is sale in very high rate.
In India Normally, A Mobile No
without ’786′ @ Cost 200 INR . Its 5 USD.
with ’786′ @ Cost …5000 INR, around 100 USD.
and those peoples are Muslim and NON-Muslims, Non-Muslims pays extra to get this nos.
so, What is the Importance of ’786′ in ISLAM.

Muslims says 786 = ‘Bismillaah al-Rahmaan al-Raheem’. 
Is this really Imp no?
think “Bismillah” contain the name of GOD ‘ALLAH’.
Can a Number replace the Holy Name of Allah Subhan wa Taala. by 786?
can we remove ‘Bismillaah al-Rahmaan al-Raheem’ from the top of Surah al-Faatiha and replace it with the number 786?

The innovation of writing ’786′ replacing ‘Bismillaah al-Rahmaan al-Raheem’ has been adopted for a long time and the majority of the Ummah is still indulged in it inadvertently.

’786′ don’t have any Value in Islam. As a True Muslims are Instructed to follow the words of Quran and teachings of prophet muhammad (pbuh). And there is no discussion about 786 in Quran or in Hadith.

Apart from the common folk, the scholars also heed no attention  towards it and to avoid disrespect to the Holy Words they use it in their letters and documents. They adopt it as ‘correct’ and ‘better’ way to invite Allah’s blessings and have also started replacing the Holy Words by this number on their houses, offices, buildings, etc. Unfortunately, this tendency is gradually gaining momentum.

But, do we see this number instead of the Holy Words in the Holy Qur’aan? Or, can we write it there as well? can we remove ‘Bismillaah al-Rahmaan al-Raheem’ from the top of Surah al-Faatiha and replace it with the number 786? Obviously not.

If we study the Qur’aan, we see it carries the holy words in a letter from Prophet Solomon (pbuh) to the Queen of Sheeba – Bilqis – who was an infidel at that time. Even Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in his letters to different heads of states and governments, used the holy words at the top.

Therefore, whosoever uses 786 with the intention to obtain Allah’s blessings, is a misguided person and any attempt to justify it, is ignorance.

More astonishing is that fact that ’786′ is an aggregation of the numbers of Hindu ‘Lord Hari Krishna’.
H(a)iri Kr(i)shna h-5, r-200, r-10, k-20, r-200, sh-300, n-50, a-1 = Aggregate of 786

Thus, the aggregate number of these letters (Hari Krishna) equals 786. This is also the case of ‘Bismillaah al-Rahmaan al-Raheem’. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid using this number to avoid the danger of being indulging in infidelity.

Islam’s foundation is laid on the belief in Tawheed (oneness of God). If we associate anyone with Allah’s exalted names orally or practically, we would be committing infidelity which is an unpardonable sin.
The Qur’aan warns us, one who finds a rival against Allah, Allah will never allow him to enter paradise, and his abode is the hell.

The letters by the Prophet (pbuh) to non-Muslim Kings and chiefs bear the holy words ‘Bismillaah al-Rahmaan al-Raheem’. This was also the case of his noble companions. Did the Prophet (pbuh) and his companions respect the Holy Words less than we do? Was the verse, ‘Today I completed your religion for you’, revealed to the Prophet (pbuh) or to the so called scholars of our age who are all bent to amend the Divine principles.

Now, when it became known that ’786′ is written in place of Hindu, ‘Lord Krishna’, and has no significance in the Holy Qur’aan and Sunnah, it is obviously an innovation and goes against the Divine doctrine of ‘Obey Allah and His Prophet‘.

Similarly, some Muslims replace Allah’s name by the number ’66′ and the Prophet’s (pbuh) name by ’92′.
this way we can convert Entire Quran in digits.Every charcter and saying names of Allah gives good deeds.What you will get If you will call ’66′ in place of ‘ALLAH’,NO………
But if one ask, the number ’420′ is used against somebody’s name and he is called ’420′. Can he bear such an insult?
Calling someone by a nick name is a sin. Allah Ta’ala says, ‘Don’t call one another by nick names‘.

If Allah prohibits the use of nicknames for fellow human beings, how can He allow the use of such insulting replacement number for Himself and His Prophet (pbuh).

‘Bismillaah al-Rahmaan al-Raheem’ great significance in the Qur’aan and Muslims are ordered to begin any work but in the names Allah, not in the number of ’786′ or any other substitution.

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