Marrying someone who doesn’t take their deen seriously is DANGEROUS. And no way you’re going to change them if they won’t change for the sake of Allah in the first place. If they decide to change for you then it’s not for the sake of Allah which is even worse.(Marrying Someone Who Doesn’t Take Their […]
Tag: spouses in islam
Poison That Kills Men
“Poison That Kills Men” Once upon a time a beautiful girl got tired of her marriage life and wanted to murder her spouse. (Poison) One morning she ran to her mother and say to her “mother, I am tired of my husband I can no longer support his nonsense. I want to kill him but […]
Marriage is a sacred bond, a Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad(saw) and the way of attaining the pleasure of Allah. Married Life: When everything is new, it is easy to remain enthusiastic, but the reality is that somehow along the way in that journey, many people lose sight of the beauty in a good marriage […]
When you are blessed with your husband or treat him like a king, treat your wife like a Queen (life won’t give second chance). Life won’t give you chance to get back your wife, or your husband. Think before you do. It takes sincere effort from both side equally. A one sided relationship never survives.
No One is Perfect
ALLAH (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) says that spouses are like clothes for each other. They hide the defects in the body, and beautify the body. Each person wears clothes that are just the right size for their body. So also ALLAH gave you the spouse just right for you, somebody who complements your strengths and compensates for your weaknesses. Therefore, never compare your partner with others. Somebody else’s clothes may look great on them but terrible on you.