SHRINE!!! It is clearly a money making business and Shaytans tool to mislead mankind! There is clear orders of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to demolish graves (shrine) if its more than a hand span tall, with tons of evidence against all shrines which is clear as day! Many Hanafi scholars have also […]
Shirk Among Muslims
It’s a common understanding among the Muslims that shirk is only done by non-Muslims. But No! It is not so. Shirk is also prevalent among Muslims. Below mentioned and explained are some of the common types of it which we find among Muslims.
Building mosques over the graves of Prophets and righteous people, or over places connected to their lives, is something which the perfect sharee’ah of Islam came to forbid and warn against, and curses those who do that (grave worship), because it is one of the means that lead to shirk and exaggeration about the Prophets and the righteous people….
Darbars And Shrines
From the greatest calamities facing this ummah are the shrines of so called “holy-men” – structures built over the graves where people go to visit and “make duaa” Building over the graves and raising them into structures is impermissible in Islam. And Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was sent on a specific mission […]