Usury :- the activity of lending someone money with the agreement that they will payback a very much larger amount of money later. DEALING IN RIBA (USURY/INTEREST) IS A MAJOR SIN IN ISLAM. Allowing Riba (Interest-Usury) because of necessity?! Riba (Usury) :- When luxuries are involved, what is Haram will always remain Haram, necessities do not make it Halal. The only time a necessity makes a Haram thing Halal […]
Tag: rulings in islam
RULING ON BODYBUILDING All praise be to Allah. The aim of the bodybuilding is to make the body strong and sound. It is a desirable and important goal according to islam. Islam encourages the well being of a person both physically and mentally. It encourages all kinds of sports and activities that strengthen the body […]