Can we see Laylat al-Qadr? Laylat al-Qadr may be seen with the eye, for the one whom Allah helps to see it. That is by seeing its signs. The Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with them) used to recognize it by its signs. But not seeing them does not mean that one will not gain its […]
1. ASTAGHFIRULLAH (Forgiveness) (I seek Allah’s forgiveness) 2. ASTAGHFIRULLAHA WA ATUBU ILAIHI (I ask Allah for forgiveness and I repent to him)SAHIH IBN HIBBAN 928 3. RABB IGHFIR LI WA TUBB ‘ALAYYA INNAKA ANTA AL-TAWWAAB AL-RAHEEM (O Lord, forgive me and accept my repentance, for You are the Acceptor of repentance, the Most Merciful)(SUNAN ABI […]
★ Marriage In Islam ★ As opposed to other world faiths that view being celibate as a good quality and a path to deliverance, Islam believes marriage is an honourable and upright act of faith. The significance of marriage is given great prominence in the Holy Quran and in Hadith. (marriage in islam) “And among […]
What is Taqwa?
What is Taqwa? Taqwa is a concept in Islam that is interpreted by some Islamic Scholars as God consciousness. It has many further understandings and interpretations. Taqwa may mean piousness, fear of God, love for God, and self restraint. Having Taqwa allows a person to be constantly aware of both God’s presence and attributes and […]
Who is Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab?
Who is Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab? Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab was a Scholar from the past who revived the call of tawheed in the lands of the Arabian peninsula, he did not introduce anything new into this religion, and people cant prove this wrong. His beliefs were that of the Qur’an and sunnah. He […]
ABU BAKR – A Symbol of Loyalty
ABU BAKR (Radhiallahu anhu) – A Symbol of Loyalty He was the Prophet’s (ﷺ) friend who was promised jannah. The brave man of bad days…To be Abu Bakr (radhiallahu anhu) was to be the most giving, most enduring, and most loyal. It’s easy to submit to faith when everyone is running to Islam, but what […]
AN AEROPLANE AND A FLY! WHAT A COMPARISON!By Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala O Mankind! Here is an example, so listen to it carefully. Those whom you call besides Allah cannot even create a fly, even if they all come together, rather, even if the fly snatches away anything from them, they cannot even get it back…… […]
Al-Quran | Surah Luqmaan – 31 | Hindi Translation
Al-Quran : Surah Luqmaan – 31 Surah Luqmaan Mecca me nazil hui, isme 34 aaytein aur 4 rukuh hain.Allah ke naam se shuru krta hun, jo bada meharban aur reham krne wala hai. 31:1 Alif. Laam. Meem. 31:2 Yeh hiqmat (divya gayan) wali kitaab ki aaytein hain. 31:3 Jo parhezgaron ke liye hidayat aur (sarvatha) rehmat hai. 31:4 […]
Al-Quran | Surah Al-Qalam – 68 | Hindi Translation
Al-Quran : Surah Al-Qalam – 68 Surah Al-Qalam Mecca me nazil hui, isme 52 aaytein aur 2 rukuh hain.Allah ke naam se shuru krta hun, jo bada meharban aur reham krne wala hai. 68:1 Nun. Kasam hai qalam ki, aur us ki jo kuchh ki ve (farishtey) likhte hain. 68:2 Aap apne rabb ki kripa (neimat) se […]
Signs Of Weak Imaan !
WHAT IS IMAAN? “…The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “It (Imaan) is that you believe in Allah and His angels and His Books and His Messengers and in the Last Day, and in Qadar (fate), both in its good and in its evil aspects….”[al-Bukhari & Muslim] Signs Of Weak Imaan ! 1. […]
Powerful and Inspiring Quotes By Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat was a South African writer and public speaker of Indian descent. He was best known as a Muslim missionary, who held numerous inter-religious public debates with evangelical Christians, as well as video lectures on Islam, Christianity, and the Bible. 10 Powerful and Inspiring Quotes By Shaikh Ahmed Deedat. Ahmed Deedat , a […]
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna ilayhi Rajioon Meaning
“Inna Lillahi Wa Inna ilayhi Rajioon Meaning”. Relax and enjoy this reminder. Don’t miss a line please. Inna Lillahi Wa Inna ilayhi Rajioon Meaning : We say this statement when someone dies. Also some of us may say this sentence when we lose something, suffer a setback or harm. But, do you know what it […]
DR. ZAKIR NAIK STATEMENT – 19th August 2019
Statement by Dr Zakir Naik – 19th August 2019 I have always been a man of peace because that’s what Qur’an stands for. It has been my mission to spread peace throughout the world (Zakir Naik). Unfortunately, I do face detractors who try to prevent me from carrying out my mission. As you must have noticed […]
5 Things To Do On Laylatul Qadr
5 things to do on Laylatul Qadr (Night of Power) So valuable is this Night of Qadr that the Quran devotes a special surah to it “Lailatul Qadr (night of power) is better than a thousand months” [97:3] This one night surpasses the value of 30,000 nights. The most authentic account of the occurrence of […]
Wishing Merry Christmas: They say: (God) Most Gracious has sired (begotten) a child! For sure ye have advanced a thing generally gigantic! At it the skies are prepared to blast, the earth to part to shreds, and the mountains to tumble down in absolute demolish, that they ought to summon a child for (God) Most […]