Marriages Spouses

SPOUSE : Secrets of your Spouse

Spouse Secrets :

1. To Marry :

Spouse: Women looks Future of Men, but Men looks Past of Women.

2. Love :

Women Likes Quality of Love, but Men likes Quantity of Love.

3. Search :


Mostly Women Search for Character of Men. So its easier for her to forgive him but difficult to forget him, Whereas Mostly Men Likes Beauty of Women so if he find better one he can forget her but if she makes any mistake to him its difficult to forgive her.

Here are some tips to maintain a healthy relation with your spouse :

Ways To Keep Your Wife’s Love :

1. Make her feel secure and sakinah – don’t threaten her with divorce.

2. Advise in private, at the best time, in the best way and atmosphere.

3. Be a good listener.

4. Call your wife with the best names, cute nicknames, names she loves to hear.

5. Don’t act as if you are doing her a favor by working or providing, Allah is the Provider, the husband is the carrier of the sustenance to the family.

6. Sit down and eat meals together.

7. Keep disputes between the two of you, don’t take it outside.

8. Don’t leave home in anger.

Ways to Keep Your Husband’s Love :

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1. Behave like a female, i.e. all the tenderness of a female–a man doesn’t want a man for his wife.

2. Dress pleasantly/attractively. If you are a home-maker, don’t stay in your sleeping suit all day.

3. Don’t lay out all your problems on your husband as soon as he walks in. Give him a little mental break.

4. Don’t keep asking him, “what are you thinking?”

5. Be kind to your mother-in-law the same way you would like your husband to be kind to your own mother.

6. Keep your house clean, at least to the level that he wants it.

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7. If he’s angry with you and starts yelling, let him yell it out while you’re quiet. You will see your fight will end a lot faster. Then when he’s calm, you can tell him your side of the story and how you want him to change something.

8. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

9. Look attractive and be seductive towards him. Flirt with him.

10. Don’t EVER compare your husbands to other husbands! For example don’t say, “well her husband doesn’t do that, why do you” (thats a killer!)

11. Wake him up for Qiyam ul-Layl (in the last third of the night) and ask him to pray with you.

May ALLAH preserve all of our marriages and help us understand and implement them in and with the best of manners, Ameen!

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