Discipline for Zina (Unlawful Sexual Intercourse)
In this life
Sex (fornication) is 100 lashes
“The male and female who submit sex (zina fornication) – flagellate every one of them with one hundred lashes, and let not sympathy for both of them shield you from following Allah’s religion, on the off chance that you put stock in Allah and the Last Day. Furthermore, let a gathering of devotees witness their discipline (punishment).” [Noble Quran 24:2]
Infidelity (adultery) is demise (death)
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon hin) stated: “It isn’t allowed to shed the blood of any Muslim… With the exception of in three cases: a spirit for a spirit, the wedded individual who submits infidelity (adultery), and the person who spurns his religion…” [Bukhari and Muslim]
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) stated:
“When somebody submits Zina or beverages (drinks) wine, Allah expels his confidence (faith) from him, similarly as an individual takes his shirt off over his head”

In the Hereafter
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) stated:
“On the Day of Resurrection, Allah won’t address nor take a gander at nor cleanse three kinds of individuals:- an elderly person who submits Zina, a lying lord (king) and a vainglorious poor person.”
The Prophet (peace be upon him) stated:
“We went on and touched base almost a pit which resembled and stove, out of which we could hear cries. We looked into it and exposed (naked) people (men and women), who shouted out when the flares contacted them from beneath. I asked: ‘Who are these, O Gabriel?’ He answered, ‘Guys and females who have submitted sex (fornication).'” [Bukhari]
The Prophet (harmony arrive) stated:

“The man who has laid his hand with desire on a lady who isn’t passable (permissible) to him will come on the Day of Judgment with his hand fixing to his neck. In the event that he kissed her, his lips will be cut in the Fire, and on the off chance that he had sex (intercourse) with her, his reproductive organs (private parts) will talk against him in the Day of Judgment saying: ‘I did what was illegal.’ Allah Most High will take a gander at him with indignation, and the substance all over will list and he will look run down and old. He will state: ‘What did I do?’
His tongue will observer against him saying, ‘I said what was illegal
(forbidden)’; his hands will talk and say, ‘We went after what was taboo
(forbidden)’; every one of his feet will state. ‘I went to a prohibited place.’; and his genitals (private parts) will state, ‘I did it.’
A one of the guardian angels will state, ‘I heard it.’ and the other gatekeeper angels will state, ‘I composed (wrote) it,’ and Allah Most High will state, ‘I knew it yet I disguised (concealed) it.’ Then He will state ‘My heavenly attendants, take him and give him! an essence of My discipline (punishment). Extraordinary is My resentment against the man who had so little disgrace towards Me!'”
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) stated:
“In the event that somebody submits Zina with a wedded ladies, in the grave there will be a discipline (punishment) on him and on her equivalent to a large portion of the discipline (punishment) of this Ummah…”
May Allah ensure (protect) all of us. Aameen
If Muslims believe that Jesus was born miraculously of God and Mary then He is the son of God. Anyone that rejects Jesus cannot enter Heaven.
Islam will be judged by God as blasphemous persecution of Jesus and Christians. Indeed, Satan has been the chief councilor of Muslims from the start.